So did AROD use the old liar liar pants on fire defence. YES YES YES, he is a liar, delusional and not worthy of sympathy, I am sorry because until now I liked the guy.
Let me put this straight, AROD is a BLOODY LIAR and is still lying through his teeth.
His interview yesterday with a very passive (read pathetic) reporter in ESPN's Peter Gammons was a joke.
But let us develop the story and theory. I am a life long trader and poker player and I read people and body language incredily well, often frighteningly well (if I say so myself, actually I just did).
1. Katie Couric Interview
In this interview AROD is asked several direct questions (see right at the start of the youtube interview). When asked "Did you ever take performance enhancing drugs?" AROD responds in the negative "no"............ but read his body language is a YES (see he nods his head, involuntarily/subconsciously). THIS is POWERFUL body language.
When pressed further AROD averts his eyes and shrugs his shoulders looking down, the number 2 subconscious move of an uncomfortable liar. There are many other tells for lying, all of which AROD did in this and the Couric interviews, and many other people have picked up on these as well. If AROD and his overly smug, stupid agent think this crappy interview will fly, they are sorely mistaken.
Lets move forward to the Peter Gammons interview here where he is asked what he was using at about the 2.25 minute level. AROD responds that he is NOT sure what drugs he was using with yet again that fatal NOD of the subconscious head (confirming yes he knew).
This is very strange, why tell one lie in a serious of lies when you have been caught, as badly as my mum caught me with my hand in her purse all those years ago for which I got a good whooping............. "I wasn't stealing your money mum", sure, tell it to the judge kid.
In the words of a GREAT songman we have been discussing recently on Dave O'Brien's www.ajc.com blog, "Its a matter of Trust"..
2. Liars contniue to Lie until they Fess Up (totally)
AROD is further asked in the Gammons interview if he used PED's in high school or college, yet again he denies such a thought but YET AGAIN confirms his guilt with a subconscious head shake in the affirmative...
So lets assume he is still lying; what we all should know or learn is this,
1. The steroids AROD tested positive too are very very sophisticated ILLEGAL drugs THAT CANNOT be obtained from prescription (that makes selling, buying and using a Federal Offence)
2. Such Primbolean, the steroid is a masking drug that enables users to piggyback other more bulking roids' into combined use.
3. Such steroid is not easily detected and is used by those with such knowledge.
4. Such steroid is not a 1st time user/s type of drug, it is hard to get and very sophisticated.
5. Steroid research indicates that steroids help improve concentration, hand-eye coordination, recovery of muscles, rapidity of muscle growth, fast twitch improvement etc and on and on.
6. HGH use (which is the drug of choice post 2003/04) is very hard to detect and in large quantities has some horrible side affects. These being BONE GROWTH (Barry Bonds is well documented to have feet and a head that has grown since 1998-99), high blood pressure leading to many nose bleeds (AROD has had many as recently as 2007), heart growth, new hair growth as well as the muscle and tendon/ligament regenerative powers. HGH also IMPROVES aging eyesight (hence improving one's ability to hit a baseball).
Now in defence of Alex Rodriguez he was one of 104, yes 104 bloody cheats from around 750 tests in 2003/04. NAME the names, everyone and then maybe we can move on.
The other 103 who know they cheated should "MAN UP" and come forward at the same time and take the pressure off AROD, he alone should not carry this burden as the 2009 poster child for all.
Otherwise it is all DOGS BOLLOCKS.
Let me put this straight, AROD is a BLOODY LIAR and is still lying through his teeth.
His interview yesterday with a very passive (read pathetic) reporter in ESPN's Peter Gammons was a joke.
But let us develop the story and theory. I am a life long trader and poker player and I read people and body language incredily well, often frighteningly well (if I say so myself, actually I just did).
1. Katie Couric Interview
In this interview AROD is asked several direct questions (see right at the start of the youtube interview). When asked "Did you ever take performance enhancing drugs?" AROD responds in the negative "no"............ but read his body language is a YES (see he nods his head, involuntarily/subconsciously). THIS is POWERFUL body language.
When pressed further AROD averts his eyes and shrugs his shoulders looking down, the number 2 subconscious move of an uncomfortable liar. There are many other tells for lying, all of which AROD did in this and the Couric interviews, and many other people have picked up on these as well. If AROD and his overly smug, stupid agent think this crappy interview will fly, they are sorely mistaken.
Lets move forward to the Peter Gammons interview here where he is asked what he was using at about the 2.25 minute level. AROD responds that he is NOT sure what drugs he was using with yet again that fatal NOD of the subconscious head (confirming yes he knew).
This is very strange, why tell one lie in a serious of lies when you have been caught, as badly as my mum caught me with my hand in her purse all those years ago for which I got a good whooping............. "I wasn't stealing your money mum", sure, tell it to the judge kid.
In the words of a GREAT songman we have been discussing recently on Dave O'Brien's www.ajc.com blog, "Its a matter of Trust"..
2. Liars contniue to Lie until they Fess Up (totally)
AROD is further asked in the Gammons interview if he used PED's in high school or college, yet again he denies such a thought but YET AGAIN confirms his guilt with a subconscious head shake in the affirmative...
So lets assume he is still lying; what we all should know or learn is this,
1. The steroids AROD tested positive too are very very sophisticated ILLEGAL drugs THAT CANNOT be obtained from prescription (that makes selling, buying and using a Federal Offence)
2. Such Primbolean, the steroid is a masking drug that enables users to piggyback other more bulking roids' into combined use.
3. Such steroid is not easily detected and is used by those with such knowledge.
4. Such steroid is not a 1st time user/s type of drug, it is hard to get and very sophisticated.
5. Steroid research indicates that steroids help improve concentration, hand-eye coordination, recovery of muscles, rapidity of muscle growth, fast twitch improvement etc and on and on.
6. HGH use (which is the drug of choice post 2003/04) is very hard to detect and in large quantities has some horrible side affects. These being BONE GROWTH (Barry Bonds is well documented to have feet and a head that has grown since 1998-99), high blood pressure leading to many nose bleeds (AROD has had many as recently as 2007), heart growth, new hair growth as well as the muscle and tendon/ligament regenerative powers. HGH also IMPROVES aging eyesight (hence improving one's ability to hit a baseball).
Now in defence of Alex Rodriguez he was one of 104, yes 104 bloody cheats from around 750 tests in 2003/04. NAME the names, everyone and then maybe we can move on.
The other 103 who know they cheated should "MAN UP" and come forward at the same time and take the pressure off AROD, he alone should not carry this burden as the 2009 poster child for all.
Otherwise it is all DOGS BOLLOCKS.
PS, Miguel Tejada was just charged with lying to congress. Very sad; who is advising these players, why isn't baseball standing up and doing the right thing, why is the MLBPA giving poor legal counsel to these known users.
I think this firestorm will continue until all the players who used PEDS fess up, because now every reporter in the land will be hunting the 103 other names........
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